Month: February 2009

I wonder if Sarah Palin has the same idea

I thought that Philadelphia’s Mayor Michael Nutter was going to have a hard time getting reelected because of some of the decisions he’s made, such as trying to shut down a bunch of city libraries and closing some city firehouses.

But Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana, might be the only elected official with a more uphill climb to his reelection if he makes a decision he’s threatened to make regarding the recently passed $789 billion federal stimulus package.

According to WWL-TV, the CBS affiliate in New Orleans, Jindal may not take the $4 billion that Louisiana has been alloted through the stimulus package. His reasons: there may be too many strings attached. I wonder if he’ll announce his intentions as part of the response he’s supposed to give to President Barack Obama’s address tp Congress next Tuesday.

(I also wonder if Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the current frontrunner for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination is saying “Geez, what a dumb ass! I’m taking the money. I at least want to have a shot in 2012.)

Now I’m guessing that Jindal will say he’s not playing partisan politics here. I’m guessing he’ll say that he’s just doing what he thinks is right for his state because he doesn’t want to begin a program with the stimulus that might not be sustainable for the state otherwise. I’m guessing that he’s not thinking of refusing this money so that he can say that the 50,000 jobs that the White House says will be created in Louisiana thanks to the stimulus don’t materialize, thus smoothing his path, ever so slightly, to the presidency in 2012.

But no matter what his reasoning is, Jindal is being totally irresponsible in my humble opinion.

Why? Because he’s the governor of Louisiana.

You remember what happened there a few years back don’t you? Hurricane Katrina? Lots of rain? Broken levees? New Orleans turned into a wholly owned subsidiary of the Gulf of Mexico? Lots and lots of drowned and starving folks due to a combination of governmental stupidity and plain old indifference? Anderson Cooper of CNN showing us that he’s more than just a great mound of hair and bright blue eyes?

Well, even if Jindal doesn’t remember Katrina, I’m pretty sure folks in New Orleans do, mostly because in some places, most notably the Lower Ninth Ward, it never completely went away. That’s why Ray Nagin, mayor of New Orleans, has already said that any money Jindal refuses, he’ll take.

But even if Katrina had never happened, Louisiana doesn’t have enough of a margin for error for Jindal to refuse $4 million. It’s one of the poorest states in the union and folks are pretty hard up there.

I get politics. Politics is supposed to be the art of the possible. Most people get into politics because they want to help out their fellow man and find a way to do more for their community.

If someone can tell me where refusing money for your state because you want to make a blatantly partisan point represents the art of the possible, I’d sure like to know.

Somehow, I see a recall election in this man’s future.

Or, at least I should.

Wow! That was fast!

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I knew that Michael Steele was going to catch a little hell from the folks that he now presides over as chair of the Republican National Committee. I even knew that much of that hell would come from within.

I just didn’t think that it would take a grand total of two days for the White Supremacist element to rear it’s ugly head. And I do mean ugly here. Whomever gave David Duke that plastic surgery should be taken to jail for fraud!

Michael, Michael, Michael

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First of all, I love the Rachel Maddow Show. She’s as snarky as Keith Olbermann without also being a blowhard (which, although I’m also an Olbermann fan, he is a blowhard.)

Secondly, check out this video. It talks about the election of Michael Steele, the former Lieutenant Gov. of Maryland, as the new chair of the Republican National Committee.

(I’m guessing that the RNC is a lot like America these days: so fucked up that they figured it wouldn’t hurt to let a black guy run it for awhile.)

As part of this video, Melissa Harris-Lacewell, a political science professor from Princeton, talks about why Steele got the nod from the GOP. Apparently, this isn’t an attempt to bring blacks into the party….it’s an attempt to take steal some of President Barack Obama’s coalition building activity. She likened it to going to Krypton to get the Kryptonite needed to defeat Superman.

Apparently, according to Harris-Lacewell, the selection of Steele was more about getting the “lily white” tag taken off of the party and giving it a sheen of inclusiveness.

Yeah, okay. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.

But I know that Steele is going to have his work cut out for him…..and most of the issues are going to come from those whom he’s been chosen to lead.

There are no people of color in the Senate or the House from the Republican Party. The the only people of color this party seems to attract are people who either don’t know what they’re doing (former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez) or are easily ignorable (former Secy. of State Colin Powell, although I don’t see how you ignore a Four Star General).

Steele almost lost the race to a guy who sent the CD “Barack the Magic Negro” to friends as a Christmas present. And, a new survey of Republicans says they would rather have Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as their leader.

Can someone say “window dressing”? Sure you can.

Once upon a time, I knew a lady whose job it was to bring more people of color into the Republican Party. This was during the time that Strom Thurmond roamed the earth and Trent Lott said that his segregationist theories were the way the country should have gone.

I asked her if she ever felt like telling the members of her party that did this kind of thing “Will you shut the fuck up!? You’re making my job impossible!”

She admitted she did. I predict that Steele will utter that particular sentence at some member of the RNC before his tenure ends.

Now the “N” word race really begins: Who will hear it first? Steele or Obama?